cantik ke aku???
hahahha...saja jek dak alex ko kene kan aku ek..
tapi tak pe..ingat jugak ko pada rakan seper'motor'an ni kn..
ape2 pun kene la answer the following question first..
1- Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
thank u time bagi lagi ok..hahahah. feel free to read her blog
2- Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
uik, follower pun bape kerat jek.hahahah..kat sape aku nak passs ni..tolonggg
3- Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award.
no body la...cian aku..
4- State 7 thing about yourself.
* of coz i'm a girl
* a wife to my lovely husband, MOhd Zul Izzy
* like to smell my hubby's under arms..*kalau tak tak bole tido..hahahha poyo
* plan to have my own business
* my dream car is the new Beetle from Volkswagen..**kaler putih of coz
* before married i don't like white colour..but right now sukeee gilerrr**sbb terpengaruh dgn hubby la ni.
* ermmm..what else??no idea la...buleh gitu
ok..complete sudah..cume tak pass this award to other blogger jek..
aku tak tau nak bagi kat sape..sob sob..bole gitu
hahahha...saja jek dak alex ko kene kan aku ek..
tapi tak pe..ingat jugak ko pada rakan seper'motor'an ni kn..
ape2 pun kene la answer the following question first..
1- Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
thank u time bagi lagi ok..hahahah. feel free to read her blog
2- Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
uik, follower pun bape kerat jek.hahahah..kat sape aku nak passs ni..tolonggg
3- Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award.
no body la...cian aku..
4- State 7 thing about yourself.
* of coz i'm a girl
* a wife to my lovely husband, MOhd Zul Izzy
* like to smell my hubby's under arms..*kalau tak tak bole tido..hahahha poyo
* plan to have my own business
* my dream car is the new Beetle from Volkswagen..**kaler putih of coz
* before married i don't like white colour..but right now sukeee gilerrr**sbb terpengaruh dgn hubby la ni.
* ermmm..what else??no idea la...buleh gitu
ok..complete sudah..cume tak pass this award to other blogger jek..
aku tak tau nak bagi kat sape..sob sob..bole gitu